Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Top Five

Thanks Amy for the idea, we have some things alike ;-)….

5 Restaurants you never get tired of:
1. Chili’s
2. Two Vine (Italian & French Bistro - In the heart of Rochester)
3. Natraz (Indian-Nyack)
4. Ciceros (Pizza – Bardonia)
5. Any restraunt that doesn’t serve American food

5 Places You’ve Lived:
1. Hamilton, OH
2. Syracuse, NY
3. Harfort, CT
4. Various places in Northern Jersey
5. Bardonia, NY (then Rochester and now currently still nomading around NY)

5 Movies you could watch over and over again:
1. Elf
2. Pretty Woman
3. My Best Friend’s Wedding
4. What About Bob?
5. Goonies (and I’m sure there are some obvious ones I’ve forgot)

5 Books on your Nightstand:
1. My Study Application Bible
2. Nights in Rodanthe by Nicholas Sparks
3. His Needs Her Needs by Willard Harley Jr.
4. One of the Harry Potter Book
5. SuDoku Books (I’m a dork, I know)

5 Websites you visit daily:
2. Some recipe or cooking website
3. Different Blogs

5 Places you like to shop:
1. Anne Taylor Loft
2. KOHLS!!!
3. Gap
4. Grocery Store (hahaha)
5. H & M

5 Jobs you’ve had:
1. American Eagle Sales Associate
2. THQ Summer Temp (Cand, Development, and Property)
3. RWC Student Government Web Designer

4. SLC Pre-Camp Staff
5. Babysitter to many families

5 Things you would do with a million dollars:
1. Pay off School Debt
2. Buy a condo in Rockland (yes a good one almost cost that)
3. Buy an SUV and not worry about the gas
4. Build a dream kitchen
5. Shop at all the stores I can’t afford but love (buy a Louis Vuitton Bag or Seven for All Mankind Jeans)

5 Things you would rather be doing than what you’re suppose to be doing right now:
1. Sleeping
2. Watching a good movie with the husband or just spending time with him
3. Cooking Dinner (weird I know)
4. Spending time with my Family on my parents back porch (good times there) or in OOB!!
5. Spending time with the RWC girls or Devos with the girls from work...just plain ol' Girl Time

Your Turn!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Amazing Weekend!!!!

here it is for those of you who were waiting.... :-)
Two weekends ago, Joel and I had the opportunity to do the teen activities for the SFOT Family Retreat. The retreat was held at the Willow Valley resort in Lancaster, PA. We had a blast and the teens were awesome. The first night we went to LaserDome. Everyone got to play laser tag and got a bunch of tokens for the arcade, which was my favorite part. The teens had a great time too. After LaserDome we were starving, but it was 11:15. What do you do with 10 teens at 11:15? Of course, you look for the GOLDEN ARCHES! We ventured around Lancaster to find an open McDonalds. We found one, but only the drive thru was open. Yup 12 of us ordered from the drive through. God gave us the nicest McDonalds worker ever. She acted like she hit gold when we came through. All the teens yelled from the back of the van "THANK YOU." She was thrilled.

The next day it poured! OH MY. We had planned on going bowling and when we called about going there two weeks earlier they said they would be opened. But, when we called that morning to double check our directions, they then told us that the alley was open but to junior leagues, so there would be no open lanes! Joel and I just looked at each other and we thought the same thing..."what are we going to do?" We went to the teens who were waiting patiently and told them what happened. We expected moaning and groaning, but they said not to worry about it and we'll figure out something else. Joel jokingly said, "Anyone interested in going to the Intercourse, PA Pretzel Factory?" Surprisingly...They were all excited about it. So that's what we did - we went to INTERCOURSE! The factory was lame, but we all made the best of it. Our tour guide was about 12 years old and really didn't get too excited about the whole thing. But it was still a good time. After the factory, Joel called the alley to see if they might have 2 lanes open by then, AND THEY DID!! So we went and bowled a few games and ended up just having a really great time with the teens.

Being in the van with the teens was so much fun also. It reminded me of
when I was younger and our times of being really really loud in the van and joking and telling stupid stories. It was a lot of fun to reminisce.

Joel and I got to do some much needed clothes shopping also when we went to the outlets in Lancaster. We made out pretty well. It was so much fun. We also got to go in the jacuzzi every night and swim with the teens. It was just a great experience all around. We couldn't have had a nicer group to be with.

(Pic of all of us at the Bowling Alley)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

To TOP it OFF!

Just about every Tuesday or whatever day board meetings fall on, our department buys bagels, muffins, and some Danishes for our council that meets. My department is also generous enough to buy some extra for us. Which can I just say I appreciate a blueberry muffin once in a while. It's a nice's that mid afternoon sugar rush to push you through til the end of the day!

I have noticed that in the afternoon after the bagels etc are brought together from the leftovers from the council and the ones that the department has yet to eat there is always a muffin that just sits there pathetically. Why??? Because someone has cut off the top of the muffin. (I'm sure we've all seen that Seinfeld episode...TOP OF THE MUFFIN TO YOU!). I don't know who does it, but believe you me, I'm looking in to it. I don't think it's bad if you take the muffin and only want the top. I understand it's the best part. But it is clearly an insult when you take off the top and leave the stump behind. PLEASE, just take the whole thing! Like someone wants to eat your stump! It is always clearly cut off. It is always intentional. Seriously, who does that?! The only acceptable form of partial muffin taking is if you cut it in half, from top to bottom, leaving a little bit of the top and bottom for the next person. But, instead the muffin cutter decides to take the very essence of the muffin every time! A muffin is simply not a muffin without the top. It's like a zebra without stripes or a chair without a cushion! No one would want either of them!

Every week, the poor stump is left behind to be thrown out at the end of the day. The muffin top stealer never gives it a chance to be enjoyed by someone else.

ps. My Retreat with the teens post is coming soon...I didn't forget!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Prayer Journal

I started a prayer journal this past week! I know this isn't a new concept or a new trend, but I've never had one before. I've heard amazing things that you experience when you start a prayer journal. So, the other day I wrote in my new journal a list of people I wanted to pray for. I then wrote out my prayer, things that I had on my heart, and other things related to my personal walk with Christ.
I can say that just within the past two days I have seen prayers answered. It's amazing. I have looked back at my prayer list and seen what God has done. It's incredible. Not only is it nice to see prayers answered, but it is reassuring and comforting to know that we have an incredible and miraculous God.
If you don't have a prayer journal, I recommend it. It has truly blessed me.

Please pray for me and Joel as we are away this weekend in Willow Valley doing the teen programs for the SFOT officer's family retreat. We are looking forward to a great time.