Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A Year Gone By...

A year ago....

...Joel and I graduated from college.
...my niece Eliza was born.
...Joel and I started working in the real world by starting our first full-time jobs.

Two Sundays ago, we celebrated my niece's first birthday! I can't believe the time has gone by so fast. It seems not that long ago that Joel and I were busy planning a wedding. We have now been married for almost 7 months! Time flies when you are having fun! :-)

And in life, some not so enjoyable things have happened. But through it all, we have come to learn (not like we did not know already) that everything just does not go as planned. Apparently we just are not the people that get their cake and eat it too....AND...that's ok! I'm sure we are not alone. We thank God for what we do have left - the more important things in life. We have come to grow and learn that it's how we use our circumstances that teach us and make us who we are. When I was younger and had to do things that I didnt want to do my father always told me that it would build my character. Not such a bad thing to acquire. God has blessed us these past months despite our circumstances. I think it is in those times that we learn the most.

Eliza's 1st Birthday Party

Me and Joel...a year ago...

1 comment:

JR said...

Here is my philosophy....as you get older, each year becomes a smaller portion of your life (fraction). Years seem to be shorter as you get older. Nothing brilliant here, I know..but fun to think about.