My new obsession is not clothing, shoes, purses, or anything girly (it can't be new it's my current one). possible new obsession is DVR. We just got cable in our apartment (oh by the way we've been in for about 1 month or so), we had awful satellite, but now we have digital cable!! It's awesome. It helps that our land lady pays for a million movie channels and on demand channels as well, what a perk.
Anyway, as if that wasn't enough, Joel and I discussed the possibility of getting a DVR. We looked into it and it wasn't that much more a month and our land lady had no problem with us getting it. Let me just say how convenient DVR is. It tapes all my daytime shows while I'm slaving away at work. It tapes all my evening shows while Joel and I doing errands or at the corps for some reason or another. After thinking about it...DVR has set us free from our rigid schedules. How pathetic is that? haha
Anyway, its awesome. If you have TIVO you know what I'm talking about. It pauses live TV....WHO DOES THAT?
Dapper Lad
9 years ago
What could there possibly be on during the day that is worth recording?
And - can you please delete this post before Jonathan reads it? The last thing I need is him whining about how you get to have Tivo, but I am a scrooge and won't let him get it.
you are not kidding this is great. i can lay on the air mattress sleep and record the whole time.
Hey! It was soo nice to see you today! Boy do we have interesting conversations!! "Never say never!" haha...
I hope to talk to you soon again!
You're too funny! Kevin and I have had Tivo or a DVR (Cablevision) for a while. You then become a slave to your DVR because you find yourself making time to watch what you would have otherwise just missed and went on with your life BUT... now since it's there you MUST watch it or else risk wasting your money for the monthly subscription. Uh oh, I may be bolstering Lori's arguments against it... :)
It does have it's merits, like being able to pause when someone calls.
We have Cablevision now but are switching back to DirecTV/Tivo. They're both good, but DirecTV has Discovery Health Channel, I love all those gory operation shows! Oh, and our cablevision box has pooped out on us 3 times! I'm sick of exchanging it! LOL HAVE A GREAT DAY!
HI!!! im back!! hehe i wrote a new entry, i figured like after three months i will write again!! lol
love you
WE JUST GOT TIVO! It's soooo amazing..I don't really watch TV because I'm never home when the good shows are on but now with TIVO I can record a WHOLE season and watch it ALL! And fastforward through we were eating thanksgiving dinner and paused the game and when we were done we pressed play, fast forwarded through the commercials and watched it! It's sooo convenient! AMAZING!
and you told me to update...boy do you have a nerve :)
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