Wednesday, September 26, 2007

me again.... I have not blogged in a while...I'm sorry. In fact, this Blog was written a couple of weeks ago and just never got around to posting it. Life has been so busy and I love it! This summer was a blast. Joel and I went on so many little day trips and outings I can't even remember. We had an amazing time in Maine with my family and a great time with Joel's family in Rockport & Boston for Labor Day. My new love is to travel or do all the little things around my home town I wouldn't typically do.

Joel and I are still planning to go to Europe in November and we can't wait! Just 23 days away We hope to hit Paris, Scotland, Ireland, and will definitley be hitting up most of England! So excited! Nothing like being with your favorite person and getting to learn and see new things together!

Any who...several nights ago (as you would know since that METS are not playing much ball anymore ;-)) Joel and I were given incredible tickets to the Mets game from my brother. They were amazing seats. We also had Diamond Club Access. WOOHOO. I kept the tickets a secret from Joel...all the way up him getting home from work and us having to leave immediatley for the game! We had dinner at the Diamond Club right in Shea Stadium. The game was awesome. First, I got Dunkin Donuts delivered to my seat...that's what I call a sports game! Then, a foul ball hit the chair behind me and I got clobbered by a million guys....but it was still fun. Since the Mets were losing pretty badly, most of the stadium was empty by the 7th innning....oh well we stayed because we believed. The Mets made an amazing comeback attempt. In the bottom of the 9th the Mets were down 10-3, but we had great seats and nothing else to get home to so we stuck it out. With 1 out the Mets scored 6 runs in the 9th making making it 10-9. The crowd was so loud and there was like 10 of us (jk...there was more but it was still empty). It was louder than the the first 8 innings put together. Yes, the Mets lost, but what an amazing game!! To not cause any confusion on where my loyalty stands...I was watching the score board waiting for the F go up next to the Sox game winning it 7-3. GO SOX! As Pete says, "I'm a secondary Mets fan"...but I'm still a fan.

(I can't believe I'm sharing this picture with you all.)

On the way out we went through our little special door for the Diamond Club people. As we were getting on the elevator to go down to our car, Omar Minaya came out. Now let me just say...I didn't know who this guy was but I will never forget him. Joel yelled Omar and he looked at Joel and pointed and winked. Joel was ecstactic. For those of you who don't know he's the Mets General Manager. Joel and I then squeezed onto the very packed elevator. I was trying to push my way in and didn't even realize that I was literally rubbing shoulders with Frank Robinson (hall of famer, triple crown winner - pretty much the man). Joel was in awe. He had this adorable cheesy smile staring at the guy the whole ride.

Needless to say it was just an amazing night!!!!

btw.......GO SOX