Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Elementary Days

Everyone seems to be reconnected with their friends on Facebook. I've found old High School friends, College friends I've lost touch with, and even friends I've made through other church connections. But recently, I've been receiving friend requests from my Elementary School friends. It has been awesome. I moved after Bloomfield, NJ when I was going into 7th grade. So I actually was able to graduate from Elementary School there and then move NY for middle school. Back then I kept in touch with a few which then dwindled down to one. Last week there was a Brookdale Elementary School reunion about 40 minutes away from where we live now. So, spontaneous me (hahah) decided I should go and see everyone. We had a great time. We talked for hours and reminisced about teachers, kids we haven't seen for a while, funny things, softball games, birthday parties, and of course what we were doing now. I'm looking forward to seeing them all again.
The Girls
Class of 1995...atleast those that showed up :-)
Now for funny pictures of me in Elementary School...
My softball days
 Me and my favorite teacher, Ms. Booth
       My best friend Anna from Elementary School's wedding Last September